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Scrum of Scrums

"Facilitating coordination and communication among multiple Scrum teams."

Scrum of Scrums is a scaling mechanism used in Agile frameworks to manage the interdependencies and progress of multiple Scrum teams working on the same project. This approach effectively extends the Scrum methodology to larger, more complex projects by ensuring alignment and synchronization across teams.



  • Title: "Scrum of Scrums: Scaling Agile Across Large Teams"
  • Subtitle: "Scaling Agile Across Large Teams"
  • Tagline: "Facilitating coordination and communication among multiple Scrum teams."
  • Description: "Explore how Scrum of Scrums enhances project management and alignment across multiple Agile teams working towards a common goal."
  • Keywords: Scrum of Scrums, Agile Scaling, Scrum, Agile Project Management, Team Coordination...


# Scrum of Scrums
- Scaling Agile Across Large Teams
- Facilitating coordination and communication among multiple Scrum teams.
- Explore how Scrum of Scrums enhances project management and alignment across multiple Agile teams working towards a common goal.
- 5 Topics

## Topics
- Introduction to Scrum of Scrums: Concept and importance.
- Conducting a Scrum of Scrums Meeting: Key practices.
- Roles in Scrum of Scrums: Responsibilities and participants.
- Benefits and Goals: What it achieves for large projects.
- Challenges and Solutions: Common hurdles and how to overcome them.

Introduction to Scrum of Scrums

"Concept and Importance"

Scrum of Scrums is a method used when multiple Scrum teams are working on the same project or product. It acts as a Scrum meeting for ScrumMasters or designated team representatives to discuss progress, dependencies, and impediments that affect more than one team.

Conducting a Scrum of Scrums Meeting

"Key Practices"

Typically, Scrum of Scrums meetings are held regularly, often daily or as needed, and focus on the progress towards the sprint goal. The meeting should identify and address impediments that may affect multiple teams and ensure that any cross-team dependencies are managed effectively.

Roles in Scrum of Scrums

"Responsibilities and Participants"

The primary participants in Scrum of Scrums are usually the ScrumMasters of each team, although sometimes a designated team member who has a clear understanding of the team’s progress and impediments may attend. The role of these representatives is to communicate their teams' progress, challenges, and plans.

Benefits and Goals

"What It Achieves for Large Projects"

Scrum of Scrums facilitates better coordination and collaboration across teams, ensuring that all teams are aligned with the project’s overarching goals. It helps identify integration points and dependencies between teams, reducing bottlenecks and promoting a smoother workflow.

Challenges and Solutions

"Common Hurdles and How to Overcome Them"

One challenge is ensuring that all teams are truly aligned and that communication is effective and concise. To address this, it's crucial to have clear guidelines for the meetings, ensure regular attendance, and maintain focused discussions. Additionally, using tools to track dependencies and progress can help keep teams synchronized.

In conclusion, Scrum of Scrums is an essential technique for scaling Agile methodologies to larger projects involving multiple teams. By fostering open communication and coordination, it allows complex projects to proceed more smoothly and successfully.